Become a Member

» Every member of the AIDS-Hilfe Sachsen-Anhalt Nord e.V. points to more aczeptance and solidarity and less exclusion and discrimination of people, who are affected by HIV and AIDS. Every new member makes us more independent of other sponsors! «
As a member of the Aidshilfe Sachsen Anhalt Nord e.V., you get regular updates on our work. Additionally, we send you information about news and events via newsletter (only in german).
Every two years the general meeting takes place, here you can help to organize the Aidshilfe.
- The annual membership fee is 36,00 euros and is tax deductible.
- Reductions for low or non-earners are to be inquired.

Sven Warminsky
Wirts. Dipl. Betriebswirt
- Managing Director
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